The editors from Amazon put together their 100 Greatest Debut Albums of All Time list. There's quite a few questionable picks, but hey that's just my opinion. Of particular interest to me is #54 - Entertainment! by Gang of Four. And that's because I was fortunate enough to hang out with Dave Allen (pictured with halo) at CES this year. We had some great conversations, which he may or may not remember. I even brought along my Shriekback CD The Dancing Years
for him to sign, which he graciously did over breakfast.
Dave is now in Portland, hanging out with Nemo Design and doing some interesting work on the social media front. He's also still very active in the music scene, and runs the musical website Pampelmoose. You should defintely check it out if you are a music fan.
So congratulations Dave! Next time I'm bringing my Gang of Four CD. I'll even buy breakfast :)